Employee Spotlight: Cullen Baker – Achieving Growth at Passport

May 28, 2024 
|  Passport

Cullen Baker’s journey at Passport stands as a testament to the professional development achievable within a company that champions growth and innovation. As an Account Executive, Cullen plays a pivotal role in helping brands break into the global market – a challenge perfectly suited to his college-sparked interest in supply chain and international trade. “I was always interested in this topic and luckily have found my place” Cullen remarks.

Over the last two years at Passport, Cullen has made significant strides, notably contributing to expanding the enterprise segment as a Sales Development Representative and articulating his career goals, which has led to progression within the company. His initiative and ambition have been met with support and opportunities for growth, underlining Passport’s commitment to its employees’ development. Reflecting on his achievements, Cullen shares, “I wanted to become an account executive, and [went out and did] exactly what I needed to do to get to that spot. I am still achieving and growing every day here, so much more to come!” This statement captures the essence of his relentless pursuit of advancement.

Cullen’s experience at Passport goes beyond a typical job; it’s about being part of a collective mission that’s “truly shaking up the industry.” He highlights the collaborative spirit that defines the company’s culture, saying, “The feeling of we are all in this together is what really sets it apart from a lot of companies.” This sense of unity and shared purpose is what makes working at Passport stand out for him. 

Throughout his time with the company, Cullen has witnessed and contributed to its growth, from being part of a 35-member team to seeing it expand to over 170 employees. This trajectory mirrors his own personal development at Passport. “I have leveled up and I’ve grown with the company,” he says, emphasizing the unique opportunity to grow alongside a forward-thinking business.

Originally from Connecticut, Cullen now calls Charleston, South Carolina home, where he engages in a variety of activities. Outside of work, he enjoys playing golf, spending time at the beach, and enjoying music, movies, and TV. With three stamps already in his passport and plans to add more, he expresses his eagerness to broaden his global experiences. This combination of personal interests and professional dedication exemplifies the balanced lifestyle that is celebrated at Passport.

Cullen’s story showcases a seamless blend of individual growth and collective ambition at a company that celebrates innovation and teamwork. His narrative shines a light on how an empowering environment can contribute to both personal and company-wide success. Through his experiences, Cullen illustrates Passport’s commitment to fostering a culture where employees are motivated to challenge limits and achieve goals together, demonstrating the powerful synergy between a supportive workplace and the drive to excel in a competitive industry.

“Working for a company that’s truly shaking up the industry, and … bringing a fresh approach to how we are doing cross-border is such a fulfilling experience to be a part of.”

Cullen Baker | Account Executive

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